Bad influence

If only I could say that this wasn’t one of several similarly-sized stacks of treats to return with me. It’s for presents. Sure, presents. Except, I can’t give the squished ones away.Dino made me do it. Dragged me all over the grocery store.
Oh, why hello there

It’s nice to see you again too. You are so beautiful, mountains. I’m happy that after two years apart, you were only shy for a few days before letting me see you again. I’ve missed you. Why don’t we do something on Sunday? I hear the weather is supposed to be very nice. I would […]
Be right back

Can’t write now. It’s fondue time.
April flowers

Spring is pushed a month early here, so it should have been March showers for April flowers, but there has not been enough rain. I’ll wait another week, but things are getting desperate in terms of wildflowers. I might just be walking down the highway medians, because that’s where all the best flowers appear to […]
SXSW 2013 – a first-timer’s film festival wrap-up.

Counting shorts, I managed to see 41 movies in 8 days. Of course, looking back at the screening list, there are so many more that I wish I had seen. However, in those days I could sit no more, nor absorb more visual input. It was great and very intense. Only a bit of movie […]
Eat, Pray, Dinosaur

I know. I know. I’m supposed to be transitioning to more professional material on the blog while I am still searching for employment, but I was given a new dinosaur! In miniature! Perfect for new photo projects. We did some baking today – after I did my yoga and sent out a couple of cover […]
Out of the theater

And into the near-summer brightness and heat on this last day of “Spring Break.” My SXSW film round-up will be coming soon. First, my first birds of Texas! A Golden-cheeked Warbler and a Northern Cardinal.
SXSW 2013 – first days at a film festival

I’m taking a short break from reality to take advantage of SXSW being in town. Since it is spring break, I have a partner in crime who doesn’t have to work, since she teaches, and is the perfect movie-going companion for an unemployed gal. The program of movies alone is overwhelming, and that doesn’t even […]
Spring Fever – let’s get me out of here

I would like to ask for a moment of your time to vote for my blog in a blogging exchange contest hosted my Hostelling International. In the event that I do not have a job by June (or can take an early vacation), I have the chance to win a trip and the opportunity to blog about […]
My first RPCV event

Look at me all awkwardly professional on my first outing for an “official” RPCV event (I’m the one in yellow). The awkwardness is only in the picture though. I had a fantastic “Take an RPCV to Work Day” today. On Tuesday I received an email from the Office of Third Goal and Returned Volunteer Services, or […]
There’s always something else

Well, my new Texas driver’s license says that I am officially a resident. It’s nice to be back to reading a paper each morning, including the crossword in a language where I stand a chance. Sundays seem to just disappear into the big ones. Still, I didn’t expect it to be like this… What is […]
Wild and crazy gals

And two definitely wilder canine boys. You know who is the perfect picnic companion when you aren’t drinking? Yes, real question, not the set-up to a bad one-liner. Pregnant ladies make the best friends when you can’t drink either. Abbie and I got real crazy in the park on a beautiful President’s Day afternoon with […]