200 Soccer Balls

We take a break from our regularly scheduled TB updates to discuss some actual work. This video is a thank you to a group of donors from the States and all the Peace Corps Volunteers that helped in a simple, fun project that I organized in Mexico over the course of 2012 basically. We received […]

Project Quickie

A.k.a. one day work day at a local children’s home. A group of us tried to make the yard a bit less rocky for the kids to play in, and we much more successfully repainted almost the entire playground. Some other stuff as well, but too tired to go into it now. More later.

Coming Soon…

…irresistibly cute children for whom I have a grant application pending. My friend Micha and I are going to be raising money for school scholarships through a Peace Corps Partnership grant. These kids from marginalized, indigenous families receive scholarships to attend school through the civil association Niños y Niñas de México, A.C. These kids would […]