Woulda, shoulda, coulda. Along with everything else, the Yucatan peninsula is also known for its cenotes, or sort of sinkhole caves, resulting from the limestone geology. There are too many to visit, but we had a hard time picking even one to visit. We were driving by them in the middle of our trip and should have stopped, but instead we kept putting it off. On the last day though we finally made it to a peaceful spot where we could explore and photograph by ourselves. We went to the 7 Bocas instead of one of the larger cenotes where you can swim and tend to be more like expensive amusement parks. I was interested in swimming, but not right before going to the airport and not with other large tour groups.

Definitely some challenging photography and it just emphasized for me how unsatisfied I am with my camera’s low light performance. Just a few more months…. just a few more months…

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And so, that concludes a week in the Yucatan peninsula.

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