2 days of flowers and work
I mean work and flowers. Definitely in that order. To work on the super-secret, super-awesome soccer ball project, I got to tag along on the practicum visit of a couple of trainees in the natural resource management program. The visit was to the Bosque La Primavera in Guadalajara, and it was definitely worth a second […]
Winning is a lot of fun
With trepidation I went to the Festival Internacional Salva el Diente this weekend outside of Guadalajara. After a late arrival, I wasn’t sure how I was going to be feeling for the 10k trail race early on Saturday morning, but I just wanted to run as a part of my marathon training (which is only three weeks away!). I […]
The steaming river, epiphytes, orchids, and bromeliads
After my weekend in San Blas and Isla Isabel, I went to Guadalajara for “a series of work meetings.” Haha, a bit of a private joke there, but I did work some. I also had a really nice week relaxing and exploring a bit. The highlight of the week was the visit to the Bosque […]