I mean work and flowers. Definitely in that order. To work on the super-secret, super-awesome soccer ball project, I got to tag along on the practicum visit of a couple of trainees in the natural resource management program. The visit was to the Bosque La Primavera in Guadalajara, and it was definitely worth a second visit. I was there in March, but now, after the rainy season and a large
After the chaos I caused with the soccer balls, it was the least I could do. I’m getting really good at disrupting educational activities all over Mexico. The day’s eco-club activity was “exploding” volcanoes. The kids had made volcano models and everyone had fun making them erupt with the special dish soap, food coloring, baking soda, and vinegar lava recipe. Also included are the first pictures from the soccer ball project. Just a sneak peek for now. Stay tuned – only 2 more deliveries to go.
I’m a bit tired today, so I’m short on captions. Most of the pictures are self-explanatory.
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