To all my running shoes, thank you for your service

I was recently asked how I keep my sanity here. My automatic answer is that I run. A lot, by some measures. On my run last evening I realized that I’ve been running to some extent for the last 10 years. Nothing else helps me as much maintain emotional stability and handle stress. This has […]

Mixed messages

From a small town butcher’s shop, a basic “do unto others” message with ominous visuals. It really is just best to pay at the time of purchase.  

Superhero or SNAFU?

You can either ignore the pile of dirty laundry in the background or see it as an indicator. I leave it to each of you individually to decide as you see the events of the week unfolding. Holy crap it’s only Tuesday. It better not start raining. I need to go for a run. There are […]


For Part 2 of the MST essay series, we are going to take a look at one of the touchier-feelier activities we did on the last day of Mid-Service Training. This activity was rereading our original Aspiration Statements from the Peace Corps Application. I feel that it deserves capitalization and the be recognized as a […]

Underutilized and misplaced

First off, let me say, not me. Well, not me outside the office. The problem is that I don’t want to be utilized or placed in the office. More on this later in this post. I’m struggling a bit with tone in these essay posts. My voice is my voice, but it starts to feel […]

A bit ragged

This is a bit how I feel today, and not in the sense that I need a haircut. January was a roller-coaster, or at least a street-carnival shooting game. And if that didn’t look bad enough, there’s always the back. But don’t worry, there are plenty more cat pictures to come. Also, at some point […]