Craft break

While killing some time during a day of surveys for the stove SPA project, we stopped outside a small shop in town. I was waiting in the car looking through the door at an array of sweaters and blankets on the walls while our counterpart when in to talk to someone. It was too intriguing […]

Christmas Crafter’s Paradise in Mexico

A couple of weeks ago I went to the market to do my normal shopping and I went in a side door. When I came out through the main door however I stumbled into a baffling array of mosses, small wooden houses, and even smaller plastic animals.  Probably due to the fact that I’m not […]

All work, no felt.

Things are a bit hectic in these weeks before the holidays, and I’ve been working so much that I don’t have time to get back to my crafts, nor do I have anything inspired to blog.

Ingenuity inspiration

I looked up the definition of ingenuity to make sure I was thinking about it properly. in·ge·nu·i·ty (n): the quality of being clever, original, and inventive. (from googling “definition ingenuity”) Turns out I knew the definition. Knowing the definition doesn’t change why I was thinking about it. I can believe that sometimes I am each […]

Those training materials are useful after all

Training, and the accompanying cold took me down hard last week, much harder than I expected when I felt the first tickle in my throat last Tuesday. I am finally feeling a bit of relief and I can actually imagine feeling like myself again with my energy back, but I’m not feeling enough relief and […]

Secondary Project activity at Niños y Niñas de México, A.C.

I joined another volunteer in one of her secondary project activities yesterday helping Otomi women at the Niños y Niñas de México organization work on they gift-card making project. They make cards that have an embroidered cover with a large variety of designs. The women do the embroidery work then they can bring it in to […]