Of course, I’m referring to the upcoming pictures in this post from the just-ended, and thanks to Aeromexico, extended visit by my guy. He arrived on Thanksgiving, and we had 5+ days together for his first visit to Mexico and our second visit since I arrived here in March. I am so happy that it is only 22 days until I leave for our Christmas visit. We didn’t do a lot during his visit, except for a day-trip to the Sierra Gorda and a couple of archeological zones. We were back to sharing a camera, so who can really tell whose pictures are whose? I’m going to take credit for all of the best ones, of course. I guess I can acknowledge that the pictures with me in them were not taken by me. We were a fivesome with Sarah and her Novio, and Sarah’s dog Billie. Billie has grown an incredible amount since Oaxaca, and of course tried to steal all the attention. However, the two sets of pyramids around San Joaquin are very nice and totally different from the ones near Mexico City. These ruins are on top of the mountains. I would especially recommend Toluquilla. It was an amazingly tranquil spot with great views of the surrounding Sierra Gorda.

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It actually turned rather cold here for the rest of the visit, but that was fine since we could just eat good food and hang out in my apartment. I know the tacos were tasty and impressive to M., but I can barely describe how excited I am for fondue in Zurich in 3 weeks. I am going to run as much as possible over these next few weeks to prepare for all the cheese, chocolate, and biberli.




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